Monk fruit which is a zero calorie sweetener
Source: | Author:nutrisprinter | Published time: 1945 days ago | 831 Views | Share:
Monk fruit comes from plants. People use products made from the extracts to sweeten foods and drinks.Monk fruit which is a zero calorie sweetener.Monk fruit is 150 to 200 times sweeter than sugar.
Monk fruit comes from plants. People use products made from the extracts to sweeten foods and drinks.
Monk fruit which is a zero calorie sweetener.
Monk fruit is 150 to 200 times sweeter than sugar.
Monk fruit is also called luo han guo or swingle. It looks like a small gourd, and it grows on a vine.
Monk fruit is native to regions of Southeast Asia, including some parts of Thailand and China. Buddhist monks in the 13th century were the first to cultivate the fruit, which is the reason for its name.
Fresh monk fruit spoils rather quickly. Traditionally, people used dried monk fruit in herbal medicines.
Today, monk fruit is most popular as a natural sweetener. The fruit's extract contains substances called mogrosides, which are intensely sweet.
According to the International Food Information Council Foundation, monk fruit is around 150–200 times sweeter than sugar. Some manufacturers mix the extract with different sugars to balance out the intensity.